6 Questions about Sclerotherapy

by | Apr 26, 2017 | Health Care, Skin Care & Beauty

If you’re tired of the pain, aches and discomfort in your legs, finding treatment for your varicose veins is a good first step. If you’re looking around for sclerotherapy vein treatment in Encino CA, here are a few things you should know:

What happens during the procedure?

During the procedure, trained medical staff will inject chemicals into the smaller veins. These chemicals deal considerable damage to the inner lining, resulting in a clot. When the clot if reabsorbed, this eliminates the affected veins.

What and how much chemicals are used?

The dose as well as physical form of the chemical agent hugely depends on the size of the affected vein that needs to be treated. The more severe the condition is, the higher the dose will likely be.

Why treat the symptoms at all?

While a lot of people believe having these vessels removed are nothing more than a cosmetic concern—the gnarled veins look unsightly on your legs—treatment of the affected vessels can relieve you of the pain, discomfort and other symptoms you feel. That’s one of the best reasons to seek out sclerotherapy vein treatment in Encino CA.

Is the procedure painful?

Injections into the skin mean the procedure won’t go without a bit of discomfort. Some of the chemicals might be painful as well. In some cases, the sclerosant could end up being deposited outside the vein, which could lead to even more pain.

Is it effective?

It’s routinely used to treat veins for cosmetic purposes. Given the frequency of its use, the treatment is effective at eliminating or collapsing the affected veins.

How do I prepare for it?

Patients will undergo ultrasound techniques so doctors can determine the extent of the site for treatment, says Medicinenet. This will ensure physicians cover all the affected vessels.

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