Customized Massage

by | May 15, 2013 | Massage

No one body is the same as another. Therefore, it is safe to say that no massage is created the same. Everyone has different needs and while you may have a similar pain area, it is not going to react the same way as another and it may not heal as quickly as another. For this reason, massage therapists in Peabody, MA will customize a massage to meet your needs, each and every time.

There are people who enjoy noise and light. They may want their massage room to be full of light and they may enjoy talking with their therapist. This is relaxing to them or it helps them clear their mind to talk about fun things rather than work things, if they are always concentrating on their work. Others may find relaxation in candlelight or dim lighting and music. They may talk intermittently throughout the massage but they may be deep in thought or trying to sort through an issue in their minds. There are those who may want very little light and silence. All of these people have their own ways to relax and massage therapists in Peabody, MA will ensure they have their needs met.
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When you go in for a massage, there is no right or wrong way to have it done. Every professional therapist will have their standards but will also want to make you as comfortable and relaxed as possible. This means they will customize a massage to suit your needs and desires. You should never feel obligated to talk or not talk, have a lot of light or have a darker room, require more deep tissue work or not. These are all ways massage therapists in Peabody, MA interact with you so that you are relaxed and pleased with your massage. They will not feel as though they have done their job if you are not relaxed or you are not feeling less pain by the end of your session. Too many times, clients are worried about what others do or what is considered acceptable that they may feel obligated to talk and that causes them stress. That is not the goal of a massage session and you need to communicate with your therapists if you need quiet, low lighting, or even if you have some music you would like them to play. These are all acceptable customizations.


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