Prostatitis is a medical condition that is found in men and depending on their again determines the type of prostatitis they may be suffering from. Men over the age of 40 can suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia while any male can be affected by indolent prostatitis. Prostatitis is when the prostate gland becomes inflamed and begins to swell. When the prostate swells it can be very painful and make it difficult for them to urinate. Men who suffer from this medical condition can often experience flu-like symptoms. Even though there is no treatment for the problem, there are methods that can be used to help reduce the symptoms that they are feeling. Acupuncture for prostatitis in New York is an alternative way to help patients receive some relief from their symptoms without worrying about the side effects of mainstream medications.
What Occurs with Acupuncture Treatment?
Acupuncture for prostatitis in New York uses the life energy of the patient to help reduce the pain and promote healing in the body. The thin needles are inserted into acupoints on the body to help free up the energy that has stopped flowing through the body. A patient that suffers from prostatitis will have the needles usually placed in areas of the body such as the lower abdomen, sacrum, legs, and lower back. It will depend on the person and their symptoms on how many needles will be used during the treatment. Men often will require one or two treatments a week for a course of five weeks to help reduce their discomfort.
Do Not Let Prostatitis Lower Your Quality of Life When a Solution is Available
When a person is experiencing extreme pain in their lower abdomen or pelvic are it can alter how they live their life. From affecting their social life to relationships, men do not have to let prostatitis affect how they live. Energy Acupuncture-New York-NYC is well-known for treating a variety of ailments with their techniques. From back pain to migraines, a specialist can help reduce or eliminate the pain you are in to help you return to a normal life.