Massage therapy is not only relaxing, it is extremely beneficial in providing relief for aches and pains throughout the body as well. It is a natural means to help relieve anxiety, promote relaxation, increase circulation, reduce stress, improve sleep patterns, and...
Pain Management
The Importance of Non-Opioid Management in Costa Mesa, CA
There are more people addicted to strong opioid-based painkillers than ever before. In part, this is due to their prevalence in prescription medications and also because many doctors and specialists are simply not doing enough to relieve pain and discomfort in a way...
3 Common Causes of Back Pain
Back pain can slow you down during your daily activities, making it harder to move without irritating your injury. If you have back pain, you may want to be gentle with your injury, causing you to become sedentary, but this can actually make your back pain worse. It...
Why You Can’t Ignore Back Pain
Conventional wisdom for centuries has been all about “toughing out” pain and “walking it off,” but pain isn't something to simply ignore. Pain is a tool that our bodies rely on, a message from your nerves that something is wrong with some part of your body. Ignoring...
Advantages of Holistic Treatment for Back Pain with Laser Therapy
Lower back pain can be very disruptive to a person’s life as it can affect their ability to move and cause extreme discomfort for the individual. Depending on the severity of the discomfort, back pain can leave a person lying in bed for days while waiting for the pain...