There are several million women each year that are diagnosed as having a common disorder known as endometriosis. This condition is considered pre-cancerous which causes the lining of your uterus to be expelled. There are a lot of problems that can result from having this condition and many of them are painful such as extreme cramps, abnormal cycles, heavy bleeding, and increased cycles. However, the most painfully recorded symptom of having this medical condition is the relationship between endometriosis and infertility. The reason that infertility is so common is because cycles can be off making it hard to determine your ovulation period. In fact, many women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis feel that there is no hope for reproducing. Those that do get pregnant face very high risks of miscarriages because typically the body will reject the lining of the uterus.
Dealing with endometriosis and infertility is something that many women struggle with on the daily basis. The medical condition is a very complicated one, and it also cannot be diagnosed through symptoms only. Women who feel they may have this condition will have to have an ultrasound done so that the doctor can review the uterus from the inside. Other tests may include having a biopsy. While there are different treatment options available, you should understand that this cannot be cured. Medications and other treatment options help to minimize the symptoms commonly associated with this medical issue.
If you ask any woman suffering from this condition they will tell you that the most difficult realization is that endometriosis and infertility are usually a hand and hand occurrence. For those who still try, tracking your period can be very difficult, and should you be successful in getting pregnant you face the high possibility of miscarrying as the uterine lining is very essential to the unborn child’s growth and development. There are not many successful pregnancy stories as many women have gone on to have ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages.
However with new technology and medical science improving everyday, there are ways in which you can break the cycle of endometriosis and infertility. The road is definitely a tough one, however, if you find the right fertility specialist they will use advanced techniques in aiding you to carry to term. They can start by helping to regulate your cycle making it easier to track ovulation. If their efforts do not work, there is also an option that many women use in which they use their eggs and their partner’s sperm and find a surrogate mother to carry their child to term. Therefore you should not be discouraged by your condition.
Many who suffer from endometriosis and infertility realize that the older they get, the chances of them having a healthy term pregnancy are slim to none. Because this medical condition is closely related to a typical period women can go several years without being diagnosed, therefore it is important that you know your body and report any symptoms that are out of the ordinary to your doctor. The sooner you get your condition under control, the sooner you can get back to living a healthy life and even improve your chances of getting pregnant in the future.