Hypochondriac Treatment Beaverton Oregon

by | Mar 6, 2013 | Health

A person who is a hypochondriac has a disorder that is characterized by the exaggeration of imagined physical aches, pains and illnesses. Hypochondriacs also fear that a small and minor system indicates a serious disease. An individual with hypochondria has a tendency to be self-centered and withdrawn from social situations. Researchers and mental health experts have indicated that hypochondria may be the physical escape from psychological stressors in life. Fortunately, hypochondriac treatment in Beaverton Oregon is available.

One hypochondriac treatment in Beaverton Oregon is psychological counseling (also known as talk therapy or psychotherapy). This is the primary form of treatment for the condition as indicated by many health care professionals. A form of psychotherapy commonly referred to as cognitive behavioral therapy is often deemed to be the most effective form of treatment for hypochondriacs. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps suffers to recognize and stop behavior associated with anxiety and stress, including monitoring your body constantly for signs of aches, pains, cuts, bruises, and other signs of illness. Sometimes counseling may include exposure therapy, a therapist will place you directly in contact with your health fears in a safe environment; this can help you to learn to cope with your fears and anxiety with alternative methods.

A mental health professional may also choose to educate you about your condition. This is known as psycho-education. This type of counseling can be beneficial in allowing your as well as your family to better understand exactly that hypochondria is as well as why you have it and what you can do to ease your fears about your health.

Medication may also be recommended for individuals with more severe forms of the condition. Antidepressants can be helpful in treating some individuals with hypochondria. Your doctor is likely to prescribe serotonin reuptake inhibitors or tricycle antidepressants. Your doctor may also recommend other medications based on your current physical and psychological state. Your doctor can talk to you about medication options as well as side effects for each medication. Medication may work for some patients, but not as well for others.

Another aspect of treatment for the hypochondriac can involve a faith-centered approach that is incorporated into the help offered by many organizations. Whether in conjunction with the person’s time at a treatment center or under a faith-based ministry, individuals with the above mentioned problems are many times encouraged to find the help they need in Christ and His power to transform their internal struggle into freedom. This is the obvious goal of effective Christian based counseling and many have found the strength to overcome their weaknesses in this way.


Hypochondriac Treatment Beaverton Oregon – Cedar Hills Hospital, Beaverton, Oregon provides better understand and detailed counseling for hypochondriac treatment that helps many to find strength to overcome their weaknesses.

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