Look Like a Star with Teeth Whitening Louisville, KY

by | Mar 18, 2013 | Dental Care

Are you living in Louisville, KY? You may think that just because you do not live in Hollywood or in New York, that the whiteness of your teeth does not matter. However, the whiteness of your teeth matters more than you may think, with your smile being one of the first attributes which people notice about you. There are many great reasons to have a Teeth Whitening Louisville KY procedure done.

Why Should I Have Teeth Whitening Done?

Many adults in the United States, and in Louisville, KY, sport a set of teeth that is discolored or somehow stained. There are many causes of stained or discolored teeth, including beverages such as:

1. Soda
2. Coffee
3. Tea

Drugs and alcohol can also stain and discolor your teeth, including:

1. Tobacco from cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and other products
2. Red wine
3. Certain kinds of medications

Having teeth whitening Louisville KY done in office is a better option than at home whitening kits or using whitening toothpastes as the results last longer and are of higher quality. You may think that all you need to do to keep your teeth white and bright is to brush enthusiastically. However, brushing your teeth too hard can wear away the enamel on your teeth, removing that extra added layer of protection and leaving them even more susceptible to discoloration and staining.

You Can Have Your Teeth Whitened Zoom! Just Like That!

With a teeth whitening Louisville, KY Zoom! Office procedure, you can have your teeth two to four or even eight shades whiter in all of 45 minutes. A dental hygienist will complete the procedure in three parts; each will take 15 minutes. First, the dental hygienist will spread Zoom! Whitening gel on your teeth. Next, he or she will shine a lightly heated lamp into your mouth for 15 minutes. During this period, you can listen to music, and sit back and relax in your chair. The ingredients in the gel are photosensitive, meaning that they are activated by the light of the lamp, which allows the ingredients to enter your teeth and bleach them, and also to remove the discolored parts while still leaving the structure of your teeth safe. After 15 minutes, then you can rinse, and say hello to your new mouth of shiny, newly brightened white teeth!


Springhurst Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can give you the smile of a film star with teeth whitening Louisville, KY. To learn more, please visit the website at http://www.springhurstdentistry.com/

Teeth Whitening Louisville KY

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