Tips for Successful Spine Pain Management

by | Sep 1, 2015 | Healthcare

On the surface, spine pain management in Tampa might seem fairly straightforward and simple, but it will require some effort and thought on your part to be successful. It can be difficult to keep track of everything you should and shouldn’t be doing during the process of your treatment, but if you follow these tips and take good care of yourself, you’ll be well on your way to managing your spine pain.

1) Listen to Your Doctor
This one probably sounds obvious, but it’s pretty common for people to ignore it. After all, you know yourself better than your doctor does, so you can probably get away with dropping a few of their instructions here and there, right? Maybe they make a suggestion for an activity that you find boring or annoying, or maybe they tell you to stop doing something that you’re pretty sure is innocuous.

As tempting as it may be to make adjustments to your treatment plan, remember that your doctor is the expert. They wouldn’t make recommendations if they didn’t think they would be effective. Heed your doctor’s advice, and you’ll give yourself far better chances of successful pain management.

2) Listen to Your Body
Pain is your body’s way of alerting you to a problem. If you start to feel pain, don’t ignore it or try to push through it; doing so can easily lead to strain, injuries, and ultimately, more pain. Don’t push your limits. If something hurts, don’t do it if it’s at all possible to avoid. There’s no shame in backing out of an activity for the sake of your pain management. You’ll thank yourself for your good judgement.

3) Don’t Overmedicate  
Of course, if your doctor prescribed pain medication for you, you should take it for as long as you need to. However, it’s important that you avoid any temptation to overmedicate. If your pain persists or starts to get worse, try to figure out what you’re doing that’s causing it to happen. Think about everything you do in an average day. Try to remember if you did something strange, something your doctor told you not to do, or if there’s any activity that seems harmless but could be causing problems—you’d be surprised by how many tiny things can cause pain.

While medication is a valid way of easing pain, it’s often not the best solution. Finding the source of the pain and eliminating it will get rid of it more effectively than most medications would be able to, so try to attack the problem at the source.
Read more about Spine Pain Management in tampa

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