Understanding MRI

by | Oct 6, 2016 | Health

What is an MRI?

It stands for Magnetic resonance imaging. It uses strong magnet and radio frequency waves to create images of your organs and different structures inside your body.

Do I need to get an MRI scan?

It’s one of the most widely used diagnostic tools around. If you’ve been experiencing symptoms and don’t know what’s wrong, an MRI can help your doctor determine the exact cause of your condition, especially since it can show conditions or problems that can be missed with other imaging methods.

What can an MRI see?

MRI in Orlando is used by health care professionals to determine and diagnose the following conditions:

  • Brain conditions such as tumors and types of dementia
  • Injuries from sports or related activities
  • Problems in your musculoskeletal system
  • Spinal injuries or diseases
  • Vascular issues
  • Female pelvic conditions or problems
  • A few types of gastrointestinal tract infections or problems
  • Specific types of conditions involving your ear, nose or throat
  • Conditions involving your bones or soft tissue

How do I prepare for it?

If you have any allergies to particular types of medicines, make sure to inform your doctor and MRI technologist. If you’re diabetic, suffer from sickle cell anemia or have any other type of medical condition, inform the medical staff as well. Have any metal implants, pregnant or have a fear of confined spaces? Them them so they can make accommodate your needs and make arrangements to see to your comfort, says Open MRI of Orlando. Don’t forget to ask someone to pick you up. You’ll probably need someone to take you home if you’ve been given a sedative.

Are there any risks?

There aren’t any risks. However, if you’re pregnant, have medical devices such as pacemakers or medicine infusion pumps or have metal in your body, an MRI might not be ideal. Talk to your doctor to find out what your other options are.

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